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Da Juana Byrd

Tuesday, October 22
For as long as I can remember, I have lived with the gift of psychic abilities. I grew up in a fundamentalist church environment and was allowed to use the gifts of the Bible. I could not have guides but could have guardian angels.

At the age of six, I had polio. I knew that I would be healed without the crippling effects of the illness. In a vision prior to having the disease, I had been told that I would come out of it unharmed.

I have always communicated with people who are no longer alive to this world. I have a father who is also psychic. He encouraged me to believe that all the gifts I use were sent by God. It was, however, understood that we were not to discuss it with others. My father's mother was also psychic, even though she nor my father ever use the word "psychic". My mother is a kinetic, which means she moves things with her mind. She was taught by her seventh grade school teacher.

As a clairvoyant (one who sees that which is unseen), I am able to read auras, see visions, and those who are dead to this world. I am a clairaudient (one who hears that which is unheard), a sensitive or empath (one who feels), and a channeler (a path along which data passes). I use psychometry to pick up sights, feelings, thoughts, hearing and even odors that relate to the person I am reading at the time. This is utilized by touching a person or an object although I need only to think about that person to pick up their vibrations. I can also tell a person what their past and future lives are.

As a hypnotist, I help others find answers to some of their problems. Stress reduction techniques and dream interpretation are some things I find interesting. Teaching others how to use their psychic abilities for themselves personally and for business is what I love. Because everyone can make use of their psychic abilities, all I do is help bring out their God given talents.

I work with the police on murders, kidnappings and even help people find lost pets and other items. Working with "haunted houses" and "ghosts" (persons who have passed from this life to the next), are second nature to me. Some people have asked why I am unafraid of this part of my work. To these people I answer, God is with all things and all people and therefore keeps us safe.

I have never regretted having these gifts but there is a draw back. People don't always understand them and some tend to ridicule those who use their gifts. If I can help just one person, with the understanding I have, by opening their eyes, ears and minds, then, I have accomplished what I came into this life to do.

Horoscope Copyright (c) C&D Byrd Enterprises, Inc. 2002.

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