Thursday, February 13
A very powerful need for nurturing is a larger than life issue just now. You could be feeling the need to care for other people or to have them care for you. This could be on a public rather than a private level. Your needs are very strong and you feel the needs of others, as well. Being able to bring the two together in harmony is what will make it work out well. Getting your message across to others is at a high point now. Your timing should be just about as good as it can get, and those around you should find you most instinctive and in-tune to the happenings around you. Conducting a deep study of a group issue or in regard to your situation, could be in order. Others could ask for you guidance and psychological opinion and understanding. You certainly feel needed.
Horoscope Copyright (c) C&D
Byrd Enterprises, Inc. 2002.